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Celebrating an Inspirational Achievement

At Homes2Inspire, we believe that every young person’s education is a journey, especially when that journey overcomes significant obstacles. We are thrilled to share an extraordinary achievement that exemplifies determination, support, and the resilience of our team. One of our young people at Braidley House has made a remarkable leap in their educational attendance, going from 8% to an impressive 86%!

This outstanding progress is a testament not only to the child’s resilience and hard work but also to the support from the Braidley House team and our dedicated Education and Career Engagement team.

The Journey

With an attendance rate of only 8%, the challenges the young person faced in accessing and staying committed to their education were significant. However, with the right support systems in place, they were able to turn it around.

Following the risk of permanent exclusion from school, the Education and Careers team stepped in and collaborated with the young person, Braidley House, Virtual school and social worker. They worked closely with the young person and the Braidley House team, understanding their unique challenges and creating tailored strategies to help them succeed.

The Transformation

A dramatic improvement to the young person’s school attendance has left all of us beaming with pride. Their attendance increased to 86%, reflecting not only their personal growth but also the effectiveness of the collaborative effort between the Braidley House team and our dedicated Education and Career Engagement team.

This transformation goes beyond just numbers. It represents newfound confidence, a stronger sense of belonging, and the opening of doors to future opportunities. Education is a cornerstone for lifelong success, and with consistent attendance, this young person is now well on their way to unlocking their full potential.

Gratitude To Our Teams

We are incredibly fortunate to have a dedicated Education and Career Engagement team. Their efforts, creative problem-solving, and heartfelt dedication to supporting our young people make all the difference. Combined with the constant support and efforts of the Braidley House team, we are able to turnaround a young person’s education.

Looking Forward

As we celebrate this fantastic milestone, we are reminded of the importance of community and support in education. Every success story like this strengthens our resolve to continue working together, ensuring that all our young people have the resources and encouragement they need to succeed.

Together, we are creating a brighter future for young people in care, one success story at a time.

Let this achievement be an inspiration for all!

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